Art Boxes for ages 4 -18+ (TK-12th Grade)
Moxie Media & Hero Winners
Thank you for the opportunities for reviews and mentions in the media! Nominate YOUR Moxie HERO Today!

Featured Guest on Podcast
Never Board Learning & My Little Poppies Host, Cait, discusses all things MoxieBox and Art2Art Game with Jim Warner of! Watch NOW:
Featured Guest
Get to know Art2Art creator, Matt Kirby, a whole lot better in this fun interview:

Featured in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
We sure appreciate the awesome write up in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine! It means the world to us! Thank you!

Our commercial was featured at a Green Gables Event!
It was awesome to see MoxieBox on the big screen! Thank you for including us in your prevention lineup!
Thank you to Educational Roots for creating this awesome video review!
Please contact us and tag @moxieboxart when sharing your videos and posts so we can find them!
Hero Award Winners

“I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." - Christopher Reeve

Tysen Knight
I would like to nominate Tysen Knight for the MoxieBox Everyday Hero. I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Tysen for the past half dozen years. He was referred to me by the American Documentary Festival, because of the film he created about a homeless artist. At the time, I was recruiting artists for a brand-new program called Boy Arts Mentoring which was focused on reducing suspension and expulsion rates for young men of color. After meeting Tysen, I hired him for the program, which he rapidly grew into, even though it was his first teaching artist experience. Over time, he evolved into the lead role, in a group of 5 artists, and he continues that work today. His warm, engaging personality was a big hit in the Palm Springs Unified School District schools and before long he was hired by other schools to do auxiliary art programming. He continues to be an incredibly effective teacher and mentor to all the students he works with in programs. Last year, I asked him to work with me in the Riverside County's Arts Now launch, creating advocacy around arts for all students. He has committed to working with me over the next three years to bring attention to funding sources and parent advocacy in the arts. Tysen Knight is a devoted husband and father, s a talented artist, with a successful career with his own art, as well as a mentor, role model and teaching artist throughout Riverside County.

Garrett East
I nominate Garrett East for the MoxieBox Everyday Hero.
Garrett graduated with a degree in economics from UCF and is now living in Seattle, Washington. He works for a paper supply company but music is his passion. He is every small band’s cheerleader and I am Garrett’s cheerleader. He’s quiet, but gives the best hugs this side of the moon.
Garrett lives for the next opportunity to support all musicians, but especially garage bands. He attends concerts whenever he can, buys band merchandise, and promotes the bands by writing in-depth reviews about them. His dream job is to help promote the Indy musicians because they make so many people extremely happy.
The oldest of four millennials, Garrett has been a role model for his brothers and sisters, especially now.
Garrett is currently battling Stage 3 Melanoma, more than 3,000 miles from his family, though they have been taking turns visiting him. He loves photography and would love a camera, rather than relying on his cell phone.
Despite all his medical appointments and treatments, Garrett hasn’t forgotten about his bands. He is still posting reviews on Shows I Go To, an Orlando-based music blog devoted to sharing only positive stories about the healing power of music. He’s still volunteering as their director of calendar of events, too! The way he writes reviews makes me want to reconsider Nickelback and emo! If that doesn’t make Garrett East a hero, I don’t know what the word means.
Nominator’s Bio:
Mary Brotherton is a writer, editor, photographer, artist, grandmother, and nature lover.

Dr. Teresa Langness
I am honored to nominate Dr. Teresa Langness, an exceptional individual who has dedicated her life to providing humanitarian, change-agent education to underserved communities. Her tireless efforts and selfless contributions have made a significant impact in the lives of countless individuals, families, and communities.
Teresa has been working tirelessly for over 30 years to provide education and opportunities to those who are underserved, marginalized, and struggling to make ends meet. She has given of her own income, making the most of donations that all-too-often did not meet the needs of those served by Full-Circle Learning, the non-profit she created many years ago. Her unwavering dedication and commitment to serving others is truly admirable.
Full-Circle Learning is a non-profit with roots that started in response to the Rodney King riots. This period of extreme racial tension made the streets a dangerous place to be, and Teresa reacted by providing a safe space for healing and learning. Her talents were used to develop learning experiences that integrated academics and social-emotional well-being and development. The positive result fueled the parents’ desire to create a charter school. These community roots have expanded to 31 countries- from El Salvador to China. Many African regions have declared Full-Circle Learning their education model.
Teresa has created numerous programs to provide education and life skills training to those in need. Through these programs, Full-Circle Learning has provided pro bono training, materials and resources which have enabled communities to break out of poverty, develop their talents, and reach their full potential. Her efforts have touched the lives of countless individuals and families, and have helped to build stronger, more vibrant communities.
What truly sets Teresa apart is her selflessness and unwavering passion for making a difference in the world. She has dedicated her life to this cause, and has worked tirelessly to make a positive impact. Her kindness, generosity, and commitment to service are an inspiration to all who know her. It is my honor to nominate Dr. Teresa Langness for the Moxie Hero Award, recognizing her outstanding contributions and service to humanity. I am confident that she is highly deserving of this honor, and I hope that you will consider her nomination with the utmost respect.
Marisol Rexach, PhD
Director: Certificated Professional Development

Are You or Someone You Know a Hero?
We are looking for those everyday heroes who deserve some recognition! Nominate them today (100 words or less) and they will be in the running for some great gifts and recognition on a manual and on our website as inspiration for our young artists.

*Submit an image or video! Text: 951-319-7145, OR email:
*Photo/Video/Comment Release: By submitting my digital images, video and comments, I hereby grant MoxieBox permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, social media including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration.
Moxie Gives Back
CEO Jim Warner Visits Boys & Girls Club
Boys & Girls Clubs of Inland Valley
"Thank you so much to MoxieBox for donating art supply bags to our Club kids! The kids will love these and each kid will be able to get their own bag!"
Michelle's Place Cancer Resource Center
"Thank you to everyone who donated backpacks and school supplies. Today we handed out 88 backpacks filled with school supplies Additionally, with a generous donation from Stater Bros. Charities, we gifted Kohl’s gift cards to 50 kids, totaling $5,000, for back to school shopping clothes + shoes. We also would like to thank Kona Ice of Temecula Valley & Corona for stopping by and providing the yummiest summer treat, drive thru style last, thank you to Amanda with MoxieBox for providing the sweetest little art kits to provide to the children, so fun!"
"While things looked a little different from our traditional Party in the Park, there were endless smiles and gratitude thank you for helping us make this day a success!"
David A. Brown Middle School Donations
Throughout 2020-2021
Donated 50+ art boxes to their ESL class
CEO Jim Warner Visits Oak Grove with a Special Delivery!
"Thank you to Moxie for the amazing art kits - one for each youth!"